Grow Your Own Easter Grass with Greentop Gifts

Grow Your Own Easter Grass! This is a fun, easy family tradition that we have been doing for a few years now. It takes roughly 8-10 days to grow the grass and it grows quickly.
Supplies Needed :
(1) Leak Proof Container, Basket, Tray, or Planter
(1/2 cup or 1 cup ) of Hard Red Wheat Berries
Smallest Bag of Potting Soil you can find
Plastic Wrap ( or Grocery Bag/Ziplock)
This is our Easter Grass with Dyed eggs from 2020. We used an empty plant container we had in the garage. You can reuse one of those plastic easter baskets from last year, a glass baking dish, a small beach bucket or a large piece of tupperware. Get creative! The glass dish helps kids to see the seeds roots.
In the past I always purchased the Hard Red Wheat Berries from Whole Foods in the dried bulk section. This year I was unable to find it at three stores, but our local Sprout had it. You only need 1/2 a cup.
A few of the red wheat berries up close.
I got this tray with a plant as a gift recently and held on to it for this year's grass.
We had a corner of potting soil left from the last time I repotted some house plants. You don't need very much.
Pour Potting soil into your container. My container is very shallow so I didn't need much. If you have a larger deep planter or pot, you will need more soil.
Then add the red wheat berries right on top of the soil. Some recipes on the internet recommend soaking the red wheat berries 6 hours or overnight in water. This speeds up the process. So if you find the blog post closer to easter you may want to include that step. Drain them before adding to soil.
Once you have covered the top of the soil with the wheat berries, add water to saturate the soil and berries but not make it soupy. The wheat berries wont sprout if they are still dry. You want the seeds on top of the soil.
Cover with a napkin and then with press and seal, saran wrap or a lid. This creates a small greenhouse. If you soak them overnight you can skip the saran wrap/lid step. Indirect sunlight is best. Too much sunshine will harm them.
Check the next day if the soil or wheat berries are dry add more water. Remove the wrap after the first 24 hours. Keep the napkin on top of the seeds and sprinkle or spray with water.
Keep you eye on the wheat berries. They start to sprout on day 4-5 with proper watering. Remove the napkin once they start to sprout so they don't attached to the napkin. They grow fast. Soon you will have pretty bright grass for your home decor or easter baskets.
If you post a photo of your wheatgrass be sure to tag us @greentopgifts! We can't wait to see your creations.
Once you are done with them you can always give your kids some kid friendly scissors and let them give the grass a haircut. My son always enjoys this part.
* This grass can be used for juicing. Be mindful of the soil, container and check for mold if you get the soil oversaturated if you use for juicing.
Hope you enjoy this project! Don't forget to tag us.